Uncle Jack

We’re closing in on finalising proposed shooting dates for our next feature film “Uncle Jack”. A heartbreaking story of love, loss, misinformation and the grey nature of morality. We filmed a short of Uncle Jack back in 2023 and we liked it so much we decided to hold off on releasing to see if we could get a feature version off the ground. The short film starred Bruce Jones and Michaela Longden and we’re anticipating the return of both for the feature. The original story came from Kenny Lee Roberts (one half of Black Octopus Productions) with Hayden extending it into the first short and then into a feature length script. Uncle Jack is a hard drama which unflinchingly looks at dementia, misinformation and the online paedophile hunter phenomenon with Jack trying to keep a young man from falling further into a world he knows nothing about.

We’re hoping to be shooting in the early summer and casting notices will be posted soon. Keep your eyes peeled!